Pamela Cosio Flores is an executive coach in the Dallas Area helping leaders grow and develop their leadership skills to increase results in their organizations and personal lives. Pamela coaches individuals and teams to build self-awareness, improve communication skills and deal with conflict in a way that solves problems and helps people grow.

Pamela seeks to understand her client’s perspective to help them discover the obstacles in achieving their goals and leadership potential. Coupled with her counseling background and knowledge in the process of change, she consistently helps business leaders maximize their results and lead more authentically

Pamela is a certified TLP Director and leads Townsend Leadership Groups (TLP) in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. She was part of the inaugural class of the Townsend Institute and has received the Advanced Executive Coaching Certification from the Townsend Instiute at Huntington University. . 

Pamela received her Bachelors of Arts from Rice University and her Masters of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary. Pamela has also completed both the Ultimate Leadership Workshop and One Week Intensive for Counselors in Newport Beach, California hosted by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. She has received training from Dennis Del Valle in Process Group Dynamics and Experiential Training as well as several psychodramas trainings under the Bridging Harts Institute and Psychotherapy.

Pamela lives in Central Texas with her husband, Robert, and their kids, Matthew, Daniel, and Sofia.