Executive and Leadership Coaching

Work one-on-one with Pamela to maximize your leadership, impact your culture, and lead from your authentic self.


Townsend Leadership Program

Join a team of high capacity leaders and harness the power of the group to reach your goals


Leadership Training

Customized content to take your team and organization to the next level


Townsend Leadership Program.

“I've read the books, been to the conferences, etc. Yet I was still "stuck" in a flat-growth period of time in my personal and professional life. TLP is giving me understanding, tools and skills that I know with certainty I would never be able to gain in any book, conference or even counseling / coaching. The quality of my marriage has improved exponentially. I'm much more in tune with my kids. As the CEO of my organization, I'm leading from a much more healthy place, and my employees are noticing. Personally, I have been in the most stressful season of family and work in my life the past 6 months. Yet, I am the healthiest I have ever been - physically, mentally and emotionally. TLP has been the cornerstone of this growth for me, by God's grace.”

— Nic Lesmeister, President of MJBI


Leadership Training

“Working with Pamela for our staff trainings has been a great experience. She’s helped us have honest, open conversations that have resolved conflicts and taught us new ways of communicating. Our team was already good, but now we’re continuously performing at a higher level.”

— C.C.