What is TLP?

In today’s challenging business environment, leaders are looking for sustainable and innovative solutions and new ways to succeed.

Dr. John Townsend, best-selling author and leadership expert, designed the Townsend Leadership Program (TLP) as a highly effective, research-based way to help business professionals achieve the outcomes they desire in leadership as well as overcome and eliminate obstacles which may be preventing them from realizing their full potential personally.


As a member of The Townsend Leadership Program, you will experience significant performance results in all aspects of life, including your professional and personal goals. The program will demonstrate the principle that your career and life can be integrated seamlessly and productively.


Teams of a maximum of 10 members meet one full day per month. Each team member is selected by best-fit interviews by Pamela from a wide variety of sectors.

Think of it like a peer support group who meets all day long in a holistic program, seeking to attain goals that affect personal lives and as well as business lives.


The program uses a variety of approaches to help professionals grow and expand in their specialties, including:

  • Stretch goals that direct the course of the leader’s growth

  • Unique content lectures designed by Dr. Townsend and delivered by Pamela

  • Individual coaching sessions with Pamela

  • Confidential small group sessions with the leadership team

  • SWOT analysis sessions

  • Current readings on leadership and organizational performance

  • A customized homework system tailored to each team member’s agenda 

Pamela leads several groups in the DFW area. Contact us for more details!

Join a TLP group:

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Take Your Leadership to the Next Level

Join a like-minded tribe to achieve your professional and personal goals